Celebrating 100 Indigenous UNSW Law Graduates 100-Indigenous-Law-Graduates-Event_Booklet_V13_FIN | Page 9
From the Director, Nura Gili Indigenous Programs Unit
As an Indigenous member of staff at the University of New
South Wales I am very pleased and excited by this momentous
occasion that sees us witness and celebrate more than 100
Indigenous graduates from UNSW Law. As we celebrate this
event, we must consider the historical moment and not forget
the tireless hard work of our forefathers, ancestors and non-
Indigenous friends that have subscribed to and supported
our cause for many decades. And whilst the times of the past
were fraught with blatant and direct instances of inequality,
we have moved into an era where principles of egalitarianism
are a basis to the Australian way of life, yet do not reflect
the statistical outcomes that tell a different story – a story of
Indigenous disadvantage.
The good news though, is that we are slowly changing the
narrative. The achievement of more than 100 Indigenous Law
graduates is testament to the many, many hours of dedicated
study. On the one hand our students have made significant
gains for their career trajectory and immediate families, yet on
the other, they have contributed to the Indigenous cause that
will allow us to lift ourselves out of poverty and into a lifestyle
that sustains our unique identities as the first nations peoples of
this country.
It was not that long ago that we saw Charles Perkins (the first
person of Aboriginal heritage) graduate a degree in 1966 from
the University of Sydney. And so this achievement of more than
100 UNSW Indigenous Law graduates just over 50 years later,
is outstanding. It sends a message that focuses on the many
successes that we continue to achieve as a collective, and at
the same time, it promotes a positive future for all the good work
that is yet to come.
Associate Professor Reuben Bolt
Director, Nura Gili Indigenous Programs
Unit, UNSW Sydney (2016 – current)
Nura Gili is the Indigenous Programs Unit at UNSW. Nura
Gili provides pathways for prospective Indigenous students to
study in all UNSW faculties and programs. We also provide a
range of Indigenous student support services, tutorial and study
spaces for enrolled students. As well, the unit houses Nura Gili’s
Indigenous Studies programs, academics and researchers and
facilities for higher research degree students. All undergraduate
and postgraduate Indigenous students at UNSW are welcome to
use our services, programs and facilities.