Celebrating 100 Indigenous UNSW Law Graduates 100-Indigenous-Law-Graduates-Event_Booklet_V13_FIN | Page 25
“Through UNSW’s Pre-Law
Program, I was able to be the
first of my family to graduate
from university. I am proud to be
a qualified Aboriginal lawyer.” “Thank you to all of my lecturers
who inspired, pushed and
supported me to graduate from
UNSW Law School. A special
thank you to Jeni Engel and
Dominic Fitzsimmons who
believed in me before I learned
to truly believe in myself. May
UNSW Law continue to build the
next generation of incredible
Indigenous Law graduates.” “I am currently a solicitor at
the Kingsford Legal Centre
and part-time PhD UNSW
Law Candidate. Completing
a Master of Laws at UNSW
gave me the confidence, skills
and support needed to forge
a multidimensional career that
allows me to both practise and
teach law – a combination I
aspired to since commencing
my law journey.” “I want to thank my parents
and grandparents for always
being my inspiration and proud
Aboriginal people. They gave me
the strength, support and love to
complete my Law degree.”
Jarrod Ralley
BCCJ LLB (2016)
Arakwal of Bundjalung Corey Smith
BA LLB (2016)
Ngemba Marijke Bassani
LLM (2017)
Lama Lama, Binthi-warra and
Buulguun-warra Lucinda Stewart
BA LLB (2017)
Wadi Wadi woman of the
Yuin Nation