(Continued from page 18)
cific areas of study. Instructors will also be able to better gauge the amount of time necessary for this instruction, as the estimated time allotments are also noted.
Because instruction is most meaningful when a specific
task is at hand, librarians do encourage students to
come to class prepared with an assigned research assignment. Our librarians enjoy collaborating with instructors to assist in creating current, meaningful research assignments, so be sure to reach out to one at
your local campus!
Another new instructional component includes
an online library course available through Blackboard.
This course is designed to meet the varied needs of our
online students, and offers a range of information from
very basic library orientation material to more advanced research strategies. Information is presented
using mixed methods to offer engaging instruction that
allows the user to interact with the material and apply
what he/she is learning. We are thrilled to offer our
online students similar instruction as our face-to-face
Flipped Classrooms by Candice Benjes-Small and Katelyn Tucker, “A flipped classroom inverts the traditional educational model so that the content is delivered
outside of class, while class time is spent on activities
normally considered “homework.” …students may access instructional material through videos, podcasts or
online tutorials before the class meeting. Then during
class time, students work on activities which force
them to apply what they have learned.” The librarians
will be able to monitor students and clarify any confusion during class time . There will be a definite shift
from showing the technical aspects of how to search
the catalog or a database to critical thinking skills that
incorporate application and evaluation. We hope to
expand our online courses in the future to provide focused instruction to other specific areas, as well.
As always, the librarians and staff are available
to support the teaching and learning that take place
inside and outside of the classrooms. Schedule an
information literacy class or a one-on-one appointment with a librarian through our website today!
By offering this same online library course to
our face-to-face students, we will be able to implement
a “flipped classroom”. According to Keeping Up With…