How do you work with schools if at all?
Description of a community institution
How do you work with satellite institutions?
How does Tulsa measure the success of her programs?
Does the institution have a tracer program in place to
see what happens to their graduates?
Do you have external links (globally who are your
partners)? What are your interests in professional exchange programs and student exchange programs?
How strong is the research aspect of the institution?
What is the source of revenue for the institution?
Special Education issues (what is the institution doing
about this?)
I would also like to visit both educational and memorable places of interest in the area, one or two
schools that work with the institution, with inservice department, with the Service learning
Connecting with several faculty, staff and administration,
Fikile accomplished her objectives. In a following up
email, Fikile wrote to me saying, “I would like to take this
time to thank you for hosting me. It was a real pleasure
meeting all of you and learning what goes on at Tulsa on
a day to day basis. I am grateful to Dr. Price for making
the connection with IIE (International Institute for Education) to have Humphrey Fellows come over to the Tulsa
Community College to learn from the esteemed staff. I do
hope that this will not be "Hello and Goodbye"! I hope
that we will continue to keep in touch and to learn from
one another in one way or the other… I hope that I will
not be the first and last Humphrey Fellow you host at Tulsa Community College. It was a great learning experience
for me which I wish could be extended to other Fellows.”
Of specific mention was Fikile’s opportunity to
meet with Joshua Baker, Assistant Professor, and Developmental Mathematics & MathPath-Faculty Team Leader
- Metro Campus. Josh told me that, “During our visit Fikile
Pictured: Dr. McKeon and Fikile Mdlu Ɛ