Celebrate Learning! Spring 2011 (Volume 2, Issue 1) | Page 6

Celebrate Learning Page 6 “Sharon, I agree it’s not ‘fair.’ But we aren’t means to educate. I grapple with idea of seeing that talking about ‘fairness.’ We are talking about the social fabric that holds students together as a what’s ‘just,’ what’s ‘equitable,’ what’s ‘needed.’ multiple sewing together of varied lives, situations, This is often different than giving every student the challenges, and perspectives that need different same response. Now, don’t get me wrong, Sharon. threads and needles to blend the pieces of the social I’m not saying we don’t have deadlines and don’t fabric together. When I put together my syllabus, I have RUBRICS, and that I will take work any time. I apply this “fairness” as a common, major thread to am saying, though, that I will attempt to work with hold the class together, but I recognize that different a student when we can agree on a plan that will size needles and threads may be needed for the more keep him or her with the class in a manner that fragile cloths that are included in the whole master- doesn’t throw us off.” piece of society that represents the students who lack “I somewhat hear you, but I still don’t get it.” (for whatever reason) the strength to endure all of “I know, Sharon. I don’t fully get it all the time—either. I do know, though, that when the my rules that I require for graduation. I am the reflective educator in the classroom who must deter- ‘rules’ determine what is needed (dictating my every mine if the syllabus is not working in its “fairness.” I action as a teacher) rather than my ‘intent’ for learn- have to be on the look out for when “fair” is no ing being the guide for what decisions I make in the longer working for a student—“when the shoes are classroom, learning stops. I don’t ever want to stop not fitting properly.” This is our challenge as educa- learning. I know the goals for the class. I will pro- tors. This is our societal problem. The “rules” of a tect the classroom, but I will still protect learning for situation—are they “just,” “equitable,” “right”? Who the individuals who I encounter along the way.” “Mr. Dickens, I am still not getting it, but I wants to NOT follow the rules? On the oth