change the “state of our campus,” with the goal of increasing overall wellness of TCC employees and students.
The TCC Wellness Committee was formed in
2012. The group targets major health status indicators
and identified risky behaviors to guide wellness-related
initiatives on campus. The committee includes members
across all TCC campuses, and includes representation
from Student Activities, full and part-time faculty, Student
Services employees, administrators, HR, Fitness Center
Directors, Counseling and Testing employees, Campus
Security, Student Health Directors, and Student Recruitment professionals. Additionally, a Student Advisory Sub
-Committee is planned for this year.
Convocation 2013 Workshop
Jennifer Freeman, MSW, LCSW-Co-chair,
TCC Wellness Committee
A workshop was developed by the TCC Wellness Committee for the 2013 Convocation,
with the following goals in mind:
When employees engage in
healthy nutrition and fitness habits it
affects their work in positive ways. Research has shown wellness at work to
improve employee morale, reduce sick
days taken, increase productivity, and
enhance the work environment. When
students maintain wellness, they are
more likely to attend and engage in
class and extracurricular activities, most
certainly affecting academic outcomes.
According to the most recent
reports from the Oklahoma State
Department of Health:
1) to promote a focus on health as a connection and shared goal of employees and students,
2) connect TCC students and employees with
the Tulsa community through practices to
improve healthy behaviors and positively
affect county health status indicators, and
Read the latest from
Student Health 101
3) inspire and energize the TCC community to
build strong connections to our students
and employees through improving overall
Fitness Specialists created and conducted a group exercise routine appropriate
for all levels of fitness, with active participation of employees who were invited via email to wear
their athletic shoes on the day of Convocation. Prizes
were awarded to those who arrived wearing their athletic
shoes (and MANY prizes were given!). A brief demonstration of TCC Student Health 101, the online health and
wellness e-zine, was included in the presentation, followed
by some tips and recommendations on healthy lunch selections on campus.
“Oklahoma ranks near the bottom in
many key health status indicators…
Poverty, lack of insurance, limited access to primary
care, and inadequate prenatal care, along with associated risky health behaviors (low fruit/vegetable consumption, low physical activity, a high prevalence of
smoking) all contribute to the poor health status of our
*OK State Department of Health (OSDH):
Attendance far exceeded expectations at our first
Wellness Break-out Session at TCC’s Convocation. Over
80 participants and 20 Wellness Committee members/
fitness specialists actively engaged in this FUN, Healthy
and Educational connection opportunity.
One can assume that these health status indicators and risky behaviors apply to the students and employees of Tulsa Community College, located in Tulsa
County. We, therefore, have a responsibility to work to