CedarWorld December 2013 | Page 22

The first time I went with the master Palestinian oudist/violinist/composer, Simon Shaheen. Simon took me under his wing about 20 years ago and gave me a chance to understand more of the classical Arabic repertoire. Along with ney/flutist, Bassam Saaba and riq/percussionist Michele Merhej, I was getting a proper introduction to classical Arabic music. Again, I was an advocate for some common ground since there was no way in hell that I would ever be as conversant as the master Arabic musicians that I was performing alongside. That period of will forever be grateful to Simon and Bassam for musical discovery in 2001 led Simon to record “Blue that!! I was totally in love with the feel of the land, Flame” which I have come to understand was a real especially in the mountains, but I was very landmark recording for younger Arabic musicians disappointed by how western things had become, and looking for ways of integrating jazz and other the fact that some of the wealthy young people in elements into the Arabic musical vocabulary. Beirut seemed to have little interest in the real Arabic culture. I can hardly imagine what such a long civil war does to the cultural development of a country, and I wondered if that was a result. Anyone who was under 10 years old from the start of that conflict till the end meant that most Lebanese under 30 years old had a very different cultural experience than the generations before, which is compounded by the greater global loss of language and culture. Knowing the resilience of the Lebanese people I know that they will keep the spirit of their culture alive! The second time I went with an extremely popular Iraqi singer Kazim El Sahir. Again, we One of my main performance partners at the time was percussionist/composer Steve Shehan. Steve brought another whole dimension and skill-set to the table too. Simon’s Blue Flame ensemble played in Beit El Dine, Beirut and Saida in the South. Simon knew I was excited about the trip and went out of his way to make sure I had a proper cultural experience. I played in Beit El Dine and in Jordan. He is a superstar and his band of Iraqi musicians were really excellent. This performance happened during the start of the second US war in Iraq. The missiles were falling on Baghdad at the very period we met and were rehearsing for the concert in Lebanon. I have to say that understandably the musicians were extremely