Cedar Valley Dog May/June 2013 Issue #3 | Page 5

My Dog is Scared of FIREWORKS 2 ome pets are scared of loud noises like Fireworks. Reports of lost dogs greatly increase during the July 4th celebration. When dogs hear a loud crack, they jump the fence and run. It is a survival instinct for animals to RUN the opposite direction of a loud noise. (humans do this too) In the case of fireworks, the sounds come in various directions and that can be confusing and scary to your dog. Keep your pets inside during these times to keep them safe. S Tips on how to prepare for Independence Day: 1 Prepare your dog: Desensitize your dog to loud noises. a. Buy a CD that has thunderstorms, fireworks and other loud noises. Turn this on as soft as possible during meal and treat times for your dog. Gradually, very slowly increase the volume. If you go too fast this can be a big setback, so again, take it slow. b. Show your dog that loud noises are fun by giving them something so yummy they won't pass it up. Loud noise equals a piece of steak. I have cubed steak ready to throw at my dog for every loud noise. Now she runs looking for me with tail wagging during thunderstorms, fireworks or any other loud noise. The trick is giving the treat at the same time the noise is heard, not after the noise is heard. Start out making noises using the kitchen cupboard. Shut the cupboard door lightly while throwing a super yummy treat at your dog. Slowly increase the noise or the slam of the cupboard. If it scares your dog too much and he won't eat the treat the noise is too loud; set your dog up for success, and work it slowly, increasing the noise little by little. 3 4 5 6 7 By Karen Anderson ABCDT Prepare your house before the celebration. Remove all sharp objects, in case your dog gets scared and starts running around uncontrollably. Keep all curtains drawn or shades down so your dog can’t see the flashes of light. Keep a few lamps on so your dog won’t be in the dark. Prepare your pets room before the celebration. The best room for this is the inner most room of the house. It will be quieter than the other rooms. Also, keep curtains pulled and crates covered so your dog doesn’t see flashes of light. Keep fresh water and a chew bone available (no rawhides!). Turn on the TV so your dog hears human voices and not fireworks. Don’t turn it too loud or the TV can be stressful too (I recommend The Disney Channel). Show Calming Signals when your pets are acting scared. Calming signals are eating or snacking, blinking and yawning. Try not to reassure your dog with “it will be okay"; this actually reinforces their feelings of being scared. Thundershirts are shown to help all species during stressful times. Used for many anxieties i.e., scared of thunderstorms, fireworks, loud noises or separation anxiety. Thundershirts do not require any training of your dog to be an effective solution. Many dogs will exhibit reduced or eliminated symptoms with the very first usage of the Thundershirt (it eliminates shaking, it reduces panting, etc).( Sold locally at Cedar Valley Vet on 1st Street in Cedar Falls) Essential Oils for dogs and cats. Try the holistic way. Using Lavender can naturally sooth your dog. (Sold at Compassionate Care Veterinary Clinic in Waverly)