Cedar Sentinel 2013-2014 Issues January 2014: Volume 47 Issue 4 | Page 7
Kim FegaDOli Tosi
It was a cold gray day, Well, that
is when I left England. Now, I had arrived
to a busy, starry, warm sky- Brazil. It had
almost been two years since I had seen
this sky, since I had been in Brazil. My
mind was uncertain, how many things had
changed? Had I changed? Still, my heart
was just full of happiness to be there!
Almost immediately, I looked out
at the sky from outside the airport, looking diligently to find the star “Cruzeiro do
Sul”, You see, this star shows the way to
lost travellers and it can only be seen in
the sky of my country, and there it was“ Good, at least that is still the same”. I
let my mind reflect on that for a while.
Well, alot had certainly changed,
buildings I had never seen, people I had
never known. AS I returned to the green
hills of my home, the trees that grew tall
around me, I felt so much pain, the pain
to think that maybe I would never be back
for good, and the pain to think that maybe I would never play with my brother
in “mud-land” again for at least a while.
My young dog (as I thought) now had
white hairs growing and freckling her
happy face, she was stiller now and
didn’t move as much- but that didn’t stop
her from running full blast to meet us
when she heard our familiar call: “Foxy!!”
Foxy is getting old. She must be at
least 10 by now!
No, she can’t be that old. I said,
trying to make myself believe it.
She could be 10, I’ll never know for
sure since we rescued her from the streets
and have no way of telling how old she is.
The truth is I didn’t want her to be 10, because everyone knows that dogs don’t usually make it to more than 12,13 or 14 years,
By her size, a vet concluded that for Foxy
it would be 12. This story took place almost
two years ago and I know that one day I
will go back to Brazil and Foxy won’t be
there to welcome me at the big green gate
of my beloved farm, and that I will never again pat her smooth fur and say the
words that al ݅