Cedar Sentinel 2013-2014 Issues January 2014: Volume 47 Issue 4 | Page 3
COMMUNISM for canada
Pretty much everybody has
heard of Communism, and pretty
much everyone regards it negatively.
We can’t help it. In Hollywood, its
evils are displayed, in our schools, its
blunders are recited, and in politics it
is feared. One question I would like
to ask is why? Why are we afraid of
Communism? Communism is at the
very core, equality. Total equality.
Nobody is richer, poorer, more important, or less important. There is no
property, no wages, and no business.
The state controls everything. And
that has been Communism’s downfall
throughout history. The fact that
the state is given complete control
of everything means rights, freedoms,
and lives are taken away. Any dissidents are exterminated. Throughout
history millions have been slaughtered by Communist governments
“for the good of everybody”. The
pure ideal has been corrupted until it
has become worse than the system its
idealist pioneers fought to escape.
In theory, an all-powerful
state is not necessarily a bad idea. In
fact, heaven is basically Communist.
In heaven, God is the all-powerful
incorruptible leader, there is no prop
erty, and everybody is equal. Democracy as a system has a great number
of fundamental flaws which are inherent to the system and cannot be fixed
while still maintaining the designation
Democracy. As Winston Churchill
once said, “The greatest argument
against democracy is a five minute
conversation with the average voter.”
Laws would be passed quickly and
effectively without all the waste and
inefficiency of democracy. Instead of
parliament sitting down and arguing
about an issue for 6 months until a
decision is reached, it could be decided in a matter of hours. The money and time which would be saved by
way of such a system would be staggering. Freedom of speech, religion,
and expression would of course need
to be established as unchangeable
rules. The due process of the law
would have to be insured, suspects
would be considered innocent until
proven guilty and arbitrary execution and imprisonment would not be
permitted. The one problem with all
this is finding a leader who could fill
the criteria, one who would not be
corrupted by almost unlimited power as leaders have been in the past.
Paul Roschman
I personally believe that Communism in the idealist form with an incorruptible leader would be the best
choice moving forward into the future
for Canada as a nation and a society.
The gap between the 1% and the other 99 is too great to be sustainable.
Communism would save money, livelihoods, and lives. Everyone would
be taken care of. There would be no
paying for food, school, insurance, or
medical bills. You could move across
the country just as easily as applying to the government for relocation.
Canada could be such a great nation
with the total freedom and total equality that