Cedar Sentinel 2013-2014 Issues April 2014: Volume 47 Issue 6 | Page 8
Day 1
The night was gloomy as we all
stumbled off the bus into the dark asphalt
parking lot of the Avon Park SDA Church.
It was with bloodshot eyes and empty stomachs that we at long last completed the prolonged 27-hour drive from the hallowed
halls of Leland to the southernmost reaches
of the United States. After a narrow escape
on the highway and a terrible sleep the previous night, the Kingsway College Choir
welcomed the classic Adventist meal of
haystacks with tired and half-hearted gladness. If you are like me however, in that
you are not fond of the traditional Adventist
delicacies, then you would have been dining on a glorious supper of haystacks and
soggy lettuce leaves. Welcome to Florida.
Spencer's Adventures
Day 2
On the seventh day, as the gentleman of the choir awoke to cold showers
and dilapidated plumbing, the sun rose and
Florida at last gave us something to be joyful about. It was warm! There was no snow
staining the ground! After weathering month
after month of blizzards, hazardous roads,
sidewalks, and icequakes, we were at last
free of the bonds of winter and were met with
the sun’s merciful radiance. Though we performed on four separate occasions, the day
was made all the brighter by the warmth. In
the comfort of the summer weather, we enjoyed Filipino hospitality and witnessed the
church elders hook up one of our own with
one of the local girls. For the gentlemen, the
day ended with an epic game of manhunt
played in the jungle; and let it be known that
Paul managed to climb about forty feet up
the tallest tree within sight of the church.
How? None of us are completely certain.
Day 3
It was around two o’clock in the
morning when I was awoken by the strangest soun