A teacher affect eternity ; he can never tell where his influence stops . -Henry Brooke Adams

This saying perfectly defines the job of an architect , his work last forever and seen , habited by millions . So it is not possible for an architect to hide his works because the essence of his art and craft is for humanity to live well and feel well . Maybe that is why it has been said that that architecture and engineering are the oldest profession known to man .

Beyond the euphoria of today , we believe Nigeria need to respect , preserve and recognize its price assets which is the human capital .
This brings me to the core of our features this very month of January when everything seems quite and the need for innovation and creativity could not go unnoticed . And , indeed , two great professionals been feature in this edition of CED Magazine have both heralded perfection in practice but they are not done yet because they still have a lot to give to the industry .
Dr . Lanre Towry-Coker , a fellow of the Nigeria Institute of Architects , a Ph . D holder was recently elected to the prestigious position of fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects , one of the only 30 in the world and the first and only Nigerian to be so elected , remains an enigma in the industry and his works and practice are that that touches humanity . Nigeria should celebrate him for bringing such honour to the country . For us this is a major public relations home run for a country that only seems to celebrate mediocrity and corruption .
Dr . Lanre Towry-Coker established his firm of architectural practice - Towry-Coker Associates in 1976 with strong vision to herald practice perfection and create the necessary ambience for capacity building in the industry . This he had achievement and today , the firm boost of major landmark projects across Nigeria which are also been celebrated by practitioners .
Beyond the euphoria of today , we believe Nigeria need to respect , preserve and recognize its price assets which is the human capital . And , the country has them in abundance and they are making the big difference globally . We congratulate Dr . Lanre Towry-Coker , FRIBA , FNIA , Ph . D on this global recognition for innovation and creativity . Read the exclusive interview with Dr . Towry-Coker and get an insight into the workings of this consummate professional .
A year ago , precisely January 16th , 2016 Engr . Otis Oliver Anyaeji , FNSE , FAEng was sworn in as the President of the prestigious Nigerian Society of Engineers , the largest professional body in Nigeria with strong vision and determination to transform the association and make meaningful contribution to the development of engineering and the economy of Nigeria .
The last one year , no doubt has been an eventful year for the NSE as he has succeeded in bridging the necessary bridge across the engineering world , the public and private sector and the development professionals that ensures critically recognized and tremendous milestones were recorded . We are indeed proud to be associated with Engr . Otis Anyeaji ' s achievement as President , Nigerian Society of Engineers . There are more to be done , no doubt !
Indeed , the consummate and integrity driven professional of repute has shown that engineering , if properly harnessed could drive the econ0omy out of recession .
Our special interview session with Engr . Otis Anyaeji reflect on his achievements and the milestone since assuming office as president of NSE a year ago . It is a must read as major hurdles have been crossed and he is still going on to demand that the rights of engineers must be accorded them and the profession .
Dr . Lanre Towry-Coker and Engr . Otis Anyaeji will need the co-operation of the industry practitioners to get the necessary growth going . The indications are that Nigeria can get it right in all areas if we recognize innovation and creativity .
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