CE Brochure 1 | Page 2

SO C IA L M ED IA EX PE R TI S E PRO JEC TP LAN NIN GS KIL LS WEB IES BILIT ENT A LOPM DEVE AN INNOVAT WHERE IMA AND CREAT LS N SKIL DESIG CO M SKI MUNI LLS CAT IO N RE SE A RC JECT PRO H SK IL LS ENT M AGE MAN LS SKIL The Creativity Exploratory (CE) bridges the gap between classroom learning and professional practices. The CE allows students to bring those skills they have learned in the classroom—writing, research, critical thinking, visual and textual literacy, information organization, and more—into a free-spirited laboratory setting that offers opportunities to work in crossdisciplinary ways. Students and faculty collaborate on projects to brainstorm, create, build, and implement cutting-edge projects. The CE brings students in contact with peers, alums, and working professionals to form relationships and develop into the leaders of tomorrow. IN THE CE, STUDENTS DESIGN USER EXPERIENCES, CREATE GAME INTERFACES, PLAN EVENTS, THINK IN ENTREPRENEURIAL WAYS, BRAINSTORM, BUILD PROTOTYPES, COMMUNICATE STRATEGICALLY IN PRINT AND IN DIGITAL SPACES, AND ENGAGE THE COMMUNITY.