CE 350 All Assignments CE 350 All Assignments | Page 2
You are going to write a 3-5 page informative essay on language and social skill development in
typically developing children and children with autism spectrum disorders. When completing
this essay, be sure you:
Discuss specific early pre-verbal communication skills and examine how they can have an
impact on language development in typically developing children and children with autism.
Based on the case studies provided, compare and contrast the language and social skill
development of Claudia and Carly given the descriptions above.
CE 350 Unit 6 Assignment Assessments and
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Why is it important to examine this component of communication?
How could this be assessed informally? How are some ways you could observe this? Please
give specific examples.
Could a formal assessment tool be used to evaluate this? If so, give examples. What needs to
be considered when choosing a formal measure? Please explain.