CE 300 Unit 6 Assignment ABC Analysis Chart and Behavior Change Chart CE 300 Unit 6 Assignment ABC Analysis Chart and Be | Page 2

A=Antecedent. What happened immediately before the behavior? Was there any event or activity that preceded the behavior? B=Behavior. The behavior should be defined in observable, objective terms. C=Consequence. What happened immediately following the behavior? Function of behavior = this is your hypothesis. Using what you have learned about behavior, what is the most likely function? Is the child trying to get something, and if so, what? This could be tangibles such as access to a toy, a preferred activity or even attention. Is the child trying to escape from something, and if so, what? This could be escape from an unwanted task such as cleaning up toys. Part 2: Behavior Change Chart For Part 2, using your hypothesis and the information from your ABC chart, fill out the template in DocSharing and manipulate variables to determine if your hypothesis is correct in order to pick the best course of action to take with Emily. You can only manipulate one variable at a time in order to determine what would be most effective in modifying Emily's behavior. First you will manipulate the antecedent. When you changed the antecedent (A), what do you predict will happen and why? If you do not get the desired behavior change (B), then you need to try manipulating another variable. In this case, you will then manipulate the consequence (C). What do you predict will happen with the behavior (B) and why? Submit your completed project to the Unit 6: Project Dropbox. If you need help using the Dropbox, see the Dropbox Guide located in the Academic Tools tab.