CDU Newsletter February 2023 | Page 3

Page 3 CDU Newsletter
February 2023

President ’ s Message

Greetings ,

I would be remiss if I did not share how very proud and grateful I am about how the 8th Annual CDU President ’ s Breakfast on “ Gun Violence in America : A Public Health Emergency ” turned out in February . My deepest thanks go out to everyone who participated , sponsored , organized , or purchased a ticket for this event . This effort and support allowed us to highlight an important topic and made it possible for us to raise the discourse through an informative , engaging , and very honest exchange among thought-leaders .
Overall , the event shined a light on the complex factors surrounding mass shootings , community violence , and other forms of gun violence while offering a refreshingly frank viewpoint on where to go from here . The 8th Annual CDU President ’ s Breakfast also helped raise the profile of our University , its mission , and our quest for a world without health disparities . For that , I am also eternally thankful .
It wasn ’ t the first , and it will not be the last , such event to tackle the horrific and seemingly continuous problem of gun violence . So , what made this one special ? It ’ s a question I asked myself as I observed the planning and preperation meticulously unfold over half a year . I found myself asking the same question during the actual discussion as I watched three amazing panelists ( and Dean Prothrow-Stith , a very talented moderator ) diligently work to untangle the many facets of an extremely complex issue from many directions .
I am not sure I have my hands on an answer , but I know it has something to do with the Mighty Lion spirit . Everyone at CDU , and those who are part of its extended community , always seem to bring their absolute best to bear when addressing any issue related to health equity , social justice , or the common good . It ’ s hard not to be so close to this energy and enthusiasm without becoming imbued with it .
Charles R . Drew University of Medicine and Science is achieving great things in the heart of South Los Angeles , and that would not be possible without the students , staff , faculty , administrators , supporters , and partners all pulling in the same direction to make that happen . I could not be more honored to serve and President and CEO at such an inspiring time in the history of this institution . I continue to look forward to what we will accomplish together .
Sincerely ,
Dr . David M . Carlisle , MD , PhD . President and CEO