Today, Professor
Zuckerman had one of her
previous students come in to
talk about what he is
currently doing in the
industry and how taking her
class has benefited him. He
was extremely funny and I
enjoyed hearing how he used
social media such as
Facebook to network and
meet with impressive, fashion
directors of multiple highend companies. I thought it
was funny how Facebook,
something majority of my
generation uses, would never
use it to network to
professionals. When I think of
online networking I
immediately think of
LinkedIn, which I guess is just
a professional form of
Facebook. While he was
speaking about his project
and career journal, it hit me;
my idea for my career journal.
I immediately took out a pen
and a piece of paper to jot
down my thoughts before
they slipped my mind (which
tends to happen too often)
and I wrote. I came up with
the idea to implement what I
love and who I am, C.Crew. I
am going to make up a mock
up version of a J.Crew
catalog. My friend who is
photography major will take
pictures of me and some of
my friends all in J.Crew
clothes creating the same
theme and look as they do.
We will go to multiple
locations as well as the studio
to take pictures. I will
become the Creative Director
of this photo-shoot and I will
be filming the whole “Behind
the scenes” footage and
include that in my journal as
well. I want this to portray
who I am, what I am want to
do and everything in
between. I am very excited to
get started!