CCMH 535 RANK Learn Do Live / CCMH 535 RANK Learn Do Live / | Page 4
6) The SEM for an achievement test is 2.45. Jonny scores 100 and
we assume that 68% of the time his true score falls between + 1
SEM. This means the confidence interval would be between:
7) When the researcher interprets the reliability coefficient, the
closer the score is to 0,:
8) ___________________________ is a threat to validity that
implies that a test is too narrow and fails to include important
dimensions or aspects of the identified construct.
9) When discussing the relationship between reliability and
validity, which of the following is true?
10) Validity coefficients greater than _________ are considered in
the very high range.
11) _________________ is calculated by correlating test scores
with the scores of tests or measures that assess the same construct.
12) The ______________ is characterized by assessing both
convergent and discriminant validity evidence and displaying data
on a table of correlations.
multitrait-multimethod matrix
13) The goal of factor analysis is to
14) According to Messick (1989), consequential validity includes
15) The best source of information and critical reviews about
commercial tests is the: