CCMH 535 RANK Career Begins/ CCMH 535 RANK Career Begins/ | Page 3

2 ) If the reliability coefficient of a test is determined to be . 27 , what percentage is attributed to random chance or error ? 27 %
3 ) A researcher wants to measure content sampling error and has two versions of an achievement test available . What measure of estimating reliability would be
4 ) You are reading about reliability of a test in the test manual and notice that the researchers report using a Spearman-Brown coefficient . You can infer that internal consistency reliability was measured using :
5 ) A researcher wants to measure internal consistency in a test that measures two different constructs ( self-esteem and depression ) without subdividing the items into the two construct groupings . Which of the following would be the best method to use in measuring internal consistency
6 ) The SEM for an achievement test is 2.45 . Jonny scores 100 and we assume that 68 % of the time his true score falls between + 1 SEM . This means the confidence interval would be between :
7 ) When the researcher interprets the reliability coefficient , the closer the score is to 0 ,:
8 ) ___________________________ is a threat to validity that implies that a test is too narrow and fails to include important dimensions or aspects of the identified construct .
9 ) When discussing the relationship between reliability and validity , which of the following is true ?