Interpret the percentile ranks on the Reading Total, Written Language
Total, and Math Total.
Interpret the stanine scores on the Reading Total, Written Language
Total, and Math Total
Interpret the grade equivalent scores on the Vocabulary and Math
Computation subtests.
Interpret the age equivalent score on the Reading comprehension test
and the Math Application subtests.
Explain the meaning of the confidence intervals for Reading Total,
Written Language Total, and Math Total.
Based on these scores, how would you describe Marisol’s strengths
and weaknesses regarding achievement?
CCMH 535 Week 2 Quiz
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Week 2
Answer the following multiple-choice questions based on your
readings for this week.
A test was administered to a group of students the morning after
homecoming. Several of the students appeared tired and some were
coughing and sneezing. These factors may result in what type of error
If the reliability coefficient of a test is determined to be .27,
what percentage is attributed to random chance or error?27%
A researcher wants to measure content sampling error and has
two versions of an achievement test available. What measure of
estimating reliability would be