CCM Newsletter Vol. 7 Issue 02 / July 2016 | Page 2

hat's New




ow do I Participate?

For amazon donations, simply go to the website: thensign up and choose Calvary

Christian Ministries, Inc., or go to the below link:

ch/58-2658183. After doing this, each time you make a purchase online, the ministry receives five percent total.

For Kroger donations, simply go to to sign up! Click on Sign In/Register. Then sign up for a Kroger Rewards Account by entering the zip code and selecting your favorite store. You'll then provide your email address, create a password, and agree to the terms and conditions. Once this is complete, you will get a message to check your email for a rewards program confirmation. Click on "My Account" and use your email and password to proceed to the next step. Click on "Edit" Kroger Community Rewards information and input your Kroger Plus card number. Then update or confirm your information and enter the NPO number 32155, or name of the organization. Select our organization from the list and click confirm. To verify you are enrolled correctly, you will see your organziation's name on the right hand side of your information page.




Calvary Christian Ministries partnered with Kroger and Amazon in their community rewards program.

This program allows Kroger and Amazon to donate a percentage of purchases to the charity 501(c)3 of your choice. We are asking you to sign up and choose Calvary as your charity to support.

If you shop at Amazon or Kroger please consider supporting Calvary with no additional cost to you!

To register please follow the simple instructions that are easy as 1-2-3; and then a percentage of all future purchases made by you and others will be donated to Calvary to aide the work of the ministry.

I hope we can count on your support! Please share and encourage family and friends to support as well. God bless.

by Pastor Nick Roberson