CCC Lent Experience 1 | Page 6


the meaning of lent

What is Lent?

Lent is a Christian tradition amongst both Protestants and Catholics. It is a 40-day personal time of prayer, fasting and giving to experience a deepening of our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and discern where God is working in our lives. It begins on Ash Wednesday and over the course of 40 days leading up to Resurrection Sunday.

What is the purpose of Lent?

Lent, as a season of preparation, is traditionally focused on repentance. Speaking biblically, to repent means to make a change in our attitudes, words, and lifestyles.

Beginning when we first commit our lives to Christ, and continuing throughout our lives, we are more and more turning away from sin and selfcenteredness and more and more turning to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The church has traditionally done this at the Lenten season (and, to a lesser extent, in the pre-Christmas season of Advent).

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