CC-160103303-2021-02-Code of Conduct Brochure-FIN | Page 10


Employee Standards

Standards of Behavior
Quality and Safety We commit to quality and safety in everything we do .
Communication We use words and actions to communicate our commitment to excellence and integrity .
Ownership We take ownership of opportunities and challenges .
Relationships We build relationships to provide care and service with respect , compassion , and integrity .
Professionalism We demonstrate professionalism in how we act , what we know , and how we treat others .
Teamwork We work together toward a common vision .
Conflict of Interest
We have an obligation to conduct business within guidelines that prohibit actual or potential conflicts of interest . We rely on your judgment and discretion to avoid conflicts of interest and to seek guidance from management whenever you have doubt . Conflicts of interest may occur if your outside activities or personal interests influence or appear to influence your ability to make objective decisions relative to your job responsibilities . If the demands of any outside activities hinder or distract you from your job performance or cause you to use Children ’ s Colorado resources inappropriately , a conflict of interest may also exist . If you are unsure whether an outside activity might constitute a conflict of interest , please speak with your manager or contact the Compliance and Business Ethics Department ( CaBE ). ( Conflict of Interest – General Guidelines )
We are required to disclose potential conflicts of interest to ensure important decisions are not influenced by such circumstances . If you are concerned that a potential conflict of interest may have a direct implication on patient care , please reference the Ethical Issues policy . ( Ethical Issues Policy )
Q . In appreciation of our business , a vendor occasionally invites me to dinner or other entertainment activity . Is it appropriate for me to accept the invitation ?
A . It depends , extending or accepting business courtesies may raise legal and ethical issues . Such activities may be undertaken only when they align with Children ’ s Colorado ’ s gift policy . ( Gifts and Other Business Source Interactions )
Q . A vendor has offered to pay for some of our team members to attend a conference to learn about a new product . They will pay all travel expenses . Is this a conflict of interest ?
A . Accepting this offer could be construed as accepting a gift of greater than nominal value or an inducement for business from the vendor and therefore should not be accepted . If Children ’ s Colorado feels that learning about the new product is worthwhile , the hospital may elect to pay for team members to attend . When in doubt , discuss the situation with your supervisor or CaBE .
Q . A vendor we do business with brings my department personnel lunch on occasion . Is this a conflict of interest ? A . Children ’ s Colorado does not allow vendors to bring in meals to team members per policy . ( Gifts and Other Business
Source Interactions )