CBHPR-HBL May 2014 | Page 5

ady! ending Le v e r r - T he L Dana Orr NMLS # 259570 a Or you n ou to Dan i s s t r e s s f u l b u t t h r o u g h t h e T h a nk y ou go home st uying a tressful until y we had the be Orr B ess ana ow s k n o w h . T h a n k g o o d no p e f o r w i t h D i t h o u t process e could ever h our realtor. W minds. team w eresa Longley, have lost our ick and and Th e likely would could get a qu ana made them, w lways knew we ur questions. D sparent. We a wer to all o process tran ble for ns e ssi h o n e s t aa i l s e a s y a n d t ha m m a d e i t p o h o m e the det ome buying te et into a first ily. They Our h led vets to g and our fam ’t dead s b sn t w o d i s a s p e r f e c t f o r uu s t o m e r c a r e i v e w e a r e that wa own us that c We truly belie h Falls! have sh ath County! ers in Klamat i n K l a mk i e s t h o m e o w nL e a c h c the luon and Angela - Jas Loan Officer Phone 541-331-8460 Fax 855-600-9910 [email protected] Licensed in Oregon & California Personal Service: • Credit repair to help attain the best possible rates and financing • Using technology to illustrate different payment options • 25 years of Mortgage Experience • Knowledge of a down payment savings/gift program for qualified borrowers Programs: • USDA -Current maps remain eligible until October 1, 2014 • VA -manufactured homes to 100% LTV • Conventional -Manufactured homes to 80% LTV with 620 score • High LTV purchases for stick built and manufactured homes Call The Lending Lady of the Klamath Basin! Fast, Friendly Service thelendingladyoftheklamathbasin.com NMLS #803150 OR #ML-5079-2 Universal A