CBE Research Report Spring 2016 | Page 13

Poster Presentation 2 FTIR Spectroscopic Analysis of the Crystallization of Precision Halogen-substituted Polyethylenes Xiaoshi Zhang1, Laura Santonja1, Kenneth Wagener2, Emine Boz2, Rufina Alamo1 1 Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, United States; 2 Chemistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, United States Abstract Polyethylenes with halogen substitution at a precise distance along the methylene backbone are unique models to study the effect of nano-structured chain-defects on folding and crystallization of polymers. Prior work has shown that a crystal structure transition occurs in precision chlorine and bromine substituted polyethylenes within one degree of undercooling. In the present work we have carried out a complete analysis of the FTIR progression rocking and stretching modes of series of isothermally crystallized samples using the simple oscillator model. The effect of halogen size to the periodic oscillation changes the effective number of oscillators between F and Cl or Br substituted systems. Quantitative analysis of the C-halogen stretching region and this analysis support the polymorphic transition and documents a C-C all-trans conformation of the methylenes between halogens. Upon crystallization from the melt below the transition temperature the chains pack in an all-trans planar conformation (Form I) with layered crystalline chlorines that present some longitudinal disorder. The crystals formed at higher temperatures pack in a non-planar herringbone-like structure (Form II) with a TGGT….TG’G’T backbone conformation around the substitution, while conserving the all-trans packing of the methylene sequence, as shown in the graphical abstract. 12 | P a g e