CBD Live Showguide November 2020 | Page 69

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Mexico ’ s Department of Public Sanitation declares new legislation , titled : “ Dispositions on the Cultivation and Commerce of Products that Degenerate the Race .” This bans the sale , production and recreational use of cannabis .
As US states begin to criminalize the plant , Mexico bans stock from being exported over the
border .


Drug cartels begin to organise in Mexico to smuggle alcohol into the US during prohibition , eventually expanding to cannabis and other illegal drugs using increasingly violent means .
The US government sponsors a scheme to spray herbicides paraquat and 2,4-D over cannabis fields in Mexico using helicopters . Herbicide poisoning cases begin to crop up in the US after the tainted plants are smuggled over the border .
President Felipe Calderón decriminalizes small amounts of cannabis and cocaine for possession , in an attempt for law enforcement to focus on traffickers and cartel bosses instead ecreational users .
The deadline to approve or reject the poroposed reforms is delayed numerous times throout the year . It now stands at
The Supreme Court ends
December 15 . The Mexican Supreme President Enrique Peña the cannabis prohibition Court makes it legal for Nieto legalizes cannabis in 2019 and moves to
If the reforms are approve , four members of SMART with under 1 % THC for formally legalize cannabis
Mexico could ‘ become the ( Society for Responsible medical use . in the near future . It hopes biggest legal cannabis and Tolerant Personal Use ) legalization will improve market in the world ,’ to grow and consume their the country ’ s economy according to the LA Times . own cannabis . and put a dent in narco trafficking .

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