Cauldron Anthology - Whore | Page 46

Spenser regarded Nikon with a half smile . His face was different , lit from within
by a numinous glow , the full , dark hair crowned by an invisible laurel wreath that would
endure all his life . He put a hand to his mouth , yawned , and stretched on the soft bed .
" The beach is quite pretty , just as you said , ​Papa​ Nikon , especially with the full
moon . I watched the gap for a long time . Waves hit it and the seawater shot fairly high
now and then , but other than that , I can ' t report anything extraordinary . In fact , I even
fell asleep . That ' s how I got wet , when a stray wave woke me ."
" So , no sign of Aphrodite , the Goddess of Love ? She didn ' t trouble to visit a
handsome young man like you ?"
" Nothing but waves and moonlight , ​Papa​ Nikon ."
Nikon clapped his hands together . " Then the myth is disproven , altogether
destroyed . Alleluia , glory unto God . Later this day , after you get your rest , will you bear
witness , testify to the people of Paleothea that there is no Aphrodite ?"
Spenser stifled another yawn . " Yes , ​Papa​ , just as you say . I ' d like to sleep now . It
sounds like you have a big day planned ."
" Indeed , McCrae . Soon , Eleutheria will cook us omelets with fresh spinach and
goat cheese . Until then , sleep ."