Cauldron Anthology - Whore | Page 37

Nikon poured raw , new red wine into Spenser ' s clay mug . He sipped for
politeness ' s sake . Nikon drank heartily .
" It ' s a great event having such a visitor . Christian or Muslim , no one comes here
except the taxman . Yet you arrive with a ​firman​ , a permit signed by Archbishop
Kyprianos himself in red ink . You must be a great ​Bey​ indeed ."
" I ' m only a gentleman ' s third son . The Archbishop was very kind to me at
Nicosia ."
Nikon cut a thick slice of goat cheese and smeared it on a piece of bread . " Still ,
that makes you a gentleman too . What brings you to our remote fishing village ?"
" I study the classics , ​Papa​ Nikon . While on my Grand Tour , I want to see as many
mythological sites as possible . The Grand Council gave me a ​firman​ in Constantinople
to travel to Cyprus . I was on my way to Pissouri where Aphrodite was born when my
horse threw a shoe ."
Nikon laughed . Spenser stared , mystified . Nikon drank more wine .
" Forgive me , young McCrae . I ' m not laughing at you . I laugh with ​Tyche​ , Fate . If
not for her , your horse would never have thrown a shoe and stranded you here in
Paleothea , Aphrodite ' s true birthplace . You ' d have ridden to Pissouri and wasted your
time ."