Cauldron Anthology Issue 9: They Who Were Spurned cauldron9finalproof | Page 35
His words felt like fists, striking her over and over again. An attack so suffocating that it turned
every muscle in her to stone. Her body rocked in anger, as the blood pulsed through her veins.
She remained motionless on the cool slate floor, barely breathing, begging in her head for re-
spite. She could taste the bile in the back of her throat, the taste of her own hatred. There was
no pain deeper. . . there was no pain greater, than that which he had inflicted upon her. She
could feel the ripping of her own heart, she could feel the shattering of her own soul. Nothing
would ever be the same again. At that moment she decided to take her power back, she would
no longer be dismissed.
Cauldron Anthology