Cauldron Anthology Issue 8: Untold Fortitude cauldronissue8changes | Page 13

He raised himself onto one knee. “Then why not marry me, and we could rule together, side by side.” “If I became your whore I’d lose my position – for some reason as soon as you men get us into bed, you forget that we’re Goddesses. I won’t make that mistake. Besides, no man can think straight when his weapon is cocked. I can be either a woman or a goddess, and frankly, I would rather be worshipped than ruled.” “It wouldn’t be like that, I promise.” She arched an eyebrow. “Alright, why don’t we let the people decide? They can choose.” “Why should I do that? The city is mine already.” “Are you afraid you’d lose?” “Of course not!” “Then what harm could it do?” “Very well,” she stood up. “If I agree to this, and you lose, this is the last time you come into my temple. You stay away from my city.” “And if I win, you’ll do the same?” “Agreed,” They shook hands. The skies thundered, and I swear the earth moved. I thought she’d forgotten me, but I was found and dragged before her, stripped and bound to a column. I screamed as the whip cut through my skin. When I lay a bloody whimpering mess, she spoke. “You will not defile my temple. Get her out of my sight.” I lay in the dark on my stomach, trying not to move, keeping the razors of pain at bay. One of the servants took pity on my, dressed my wounds with salve, gave me a sleeping draft. Hate and anger seethed within me, and I dreamed of him, how he would take me away from all of this. I knew Poseidon loved me, and as soon as I could, I would go to him. Then, we’d deal with Athena. The cuts had healed to scars before I ventured into the temple again. I was grateful for the all-covering tunic that hid the scars, my shame. I kept my head bowed, determined not to draw Athena’s attention, but she 13 Cauldron Anthology