Cauldron Anthology Issue 7 - Time's Up cauldronfinalproof (2) | Page 5

Selected Works L et t er from the E ditor.......................................... 7 Fiction P rophet / e ss J essi e Lynn McMain s .............................9 The Inspirati on M a ri e I ida .....................................12 P hoto graphy A ft er You M eg a n Russo ...............................C ov e r, 17 Poetry Fragm ents A m y L e B la nc . .........................................19 h o m e Rebecca Ko ki t us ..............................................20 t hese r anci d rhyme s N i k k in R ad e r ..........................21 I C an’ t Talk Ab ou t It L an n ie Stab il e ......................22 I sing a song a b ou t the b oys R ita H y n es ................23 by t h e l ake side J e nna B u r n s ..................................24 Her Curse A nne L e i g h Par r is h ..................................25 G overnin g the B odie s of G od s L an n ie Stab il e .......26 m edu sa R e becca Ko ki t us ...........................................28 Thaum atrope Ke lly H e a r d ........................................29 Bu rned A nne L e i g h Pa rri s h ........................................30 t e et hing R e becca Ko ki t u s .........................................31 t he girl i wasn’t the n L in da M. C rat e .....................32 Unbu rna b le L a nni e Sta bil e .......................................33 For Neve r Wanting A nn e L e ig h Par r is h ....................35 I Forgive You J uli e G ro s s m an ..................................36 witc h in ti e dy e b lue R e b ecca Kok it u s ....................37 A nd Wh ere fore J uli e t t e Se b ock ..............................38 C ontribu tors .....................................................40 5 Cauldron Anthology