Cauldron Anthology Issue 4: Seasons Cauldron Anthology - Seasons | Page 21

Freckles Danny McLaren Previously published by Muse Magazine Dots of imperfection adorn your face Pick at them; scratch at the spots of discoloration marking up your skin all you like But the universe crafted you with care Like flicking paint onto a canvas, To add that finishing touch They may be haphazard, Debris or blemishes to some, Flecks of dust that have made your cheeks their home But I see stars coming together to form constellations on your body I see a road map to your subtle beauty You are charming with these worlds that exist upon your very skin You are endearing with a nose that’s speckled like a robin’s egg Like the very Earth from which you came, You are painted by the soil and claimed by the sand Cauldron Anthology 21