Cauldron Anthology Issue 3: Year 1 Collection Cauldron Anthology Year One Issue FINAL 1.17.18 | Page 6
Letter from
the Editor
Dear Readers,
Though our magazine is not exactly a year old yet, it is a new year, and thus we decided to gather
all of the wonderful contributions from 2017 into this Year 1 issue. Please enjoy reading all the
wonderful pieces we have received. Special thanks to Elisabeth Horan for allowing us to use her
photograph Creeping as the cover art for this issue.
2017 has been a great learning experience; launching and putting together this literary magazine
has been so rewarding! I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for everything you’ve done to
support us here at Cauldron Anthology from submitting your work, to reading the blog, to sharing
our tweets and helping us get out into the world.
Thank you to my editors and staff as well. Thank you to Sarah Little, the co-founder and poetry
editor who has always been there to bounce ideas around with me and make suggestions. Thank
you to Lauren Walsburg, our fiction editor, for adding a valued voice to our discussions. Thank you
to Tierney Bailey, our art editor, for putting together all our lovely issues. And last but not least,
thank you to Grant Pearson, our copyeditor, for catching all the little details.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Abigail Pearson