Cauldron Anthology Issue 14 - Mother | Page 12

A room in my stomach

Jasmine Kaur
I want to zip open my stomach make my guts into a room for you / home let you in like a baby hold you safe in my red waters let your wounds heal your sins immaterial where the world can ' t bother you no more ticks and carry you around in me till you ' re ready to come out to be hurt again .
I ' ll unzip my stomach for you to walk out into the sun spill my guts a little as you leave more solid than you entered and watch you fight back with no more weapons only love in your breast love so much that it keeps spilling out / from your chest like an open wound
I ' ll know even then the feel of a bullet ripping through my veins even though it hasn ' t happened yet even though it won ' t happen to me but to you . The mother in me can feel the shadow of danger / of darkness / a dark maroon realizing how naïve it is to want to protect you from the world but I do anyway knowing that every one of us will be in battles