Cauldron Anthology Issue 13 - Maiden 1st | Page 65

He seduced her and le her , dazed in her father ’ s house , then went laughing over the Ionian in search of new scandal .
The treacherous swine — and I , a simpleton ! I had fancied myself a righteous god , but my carelessness had cost a girl her freedom . I cut ties with Hermes and turned to the other messenger , Iris . She was daffy and erratic as the rainbow she travelled . It was almost too late when she told me of Artemis ’ s lover .
I could save my niece from ruin . But not love . Artemis had fallen for the giant Orion . But she did not mind the world past her forests ; she had not witnessed , as I had from Olympus , the huntsman ’ s exploits . He had raped a princess , without remorse . He would persuade Artemis from her vow , or break it for her . I gave Iris a message .
The wrath of Apollo served us well . When he heard of Orion ’ s advances , he sicked a scorpion on the giant . He died of the sting and was cast among stars , where he might shine without defiling .
Artemis mourned in tears and arrows . She rained death on the woods , sparing neither bear nor boar . Gaia choked on their blood . Better their broken bodies than Artemis ’ s .
The gods smelled of blood when they came to sup . Minos , Aethiopia , Troy — Ares was glutted , but he made room for wine as Dionysus and his concubines charmed the evening of enmities .
His son Priapus , with wild hair and phallus erect , sidled next to me . “ So you ’ re the prig who ’ s slimmed the pickings .”
I had not counted on the friendship of the fertility god . “ I make no pretensions to the choices of others .”