Cauldron Anthology Issue 13 - Maiden 1st | Page 24

Invocation of the Elder Mother to her daughters : Hestia , Venus and the Virgin Mary
Kate Meyer Currey
I am mother to you all , my daughters : My roots draw deep from the well of Our entwined aspects ; maiden , mother , And crone , bringing them to bud , flower , Fruit and fall . I am hardy , despite my Years . I flourish at the margins of every Tradition that your fathering deities Appointed your daily duties ; marriage , Childbirth , tending hearths and toiling The earth to reap its hard-earned fruits .
To each of you I have given different Qualities , garnered from my stored Knowledge , trusting you will use them All wisely and with my blessing .
To you , Venus , I donate the reedy notes Of Spring , piped by satyrs in the woods , Hot in their pursuit of nymphs and naiads Garlanded in flowers . It is the song of Acolytes at temple altars , offering their Virginity to my service . It is the crown of Blossom on your brow , your bridal veil , Its stamens pollinated by eager bees In their dance of consummation . You are The dripping honeycomb which brews The heady mead of connubial bliss , Ripening maidenhead to motherhood .