Jakky Bankong-Obi i s writing from Abuja, Nigeria. Her poems have been featured in
The London Grip, The Kalahari Review, Cephalo Press, Amberflorazine and others.
Jakky enjoys long walks, yoga, and dabbling in nature photography. Jakky is on Twitter
as @jakkybeefive.
Katie Pagano was born in New Jersey, grew up in New York state, and currently lives in
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She holds an MFA from Chatham University and a BA from
the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg. She has been previously published in 5 AM,
Pittsburgh City Paper, and Volume 24 of Voices from the Attic.
Stephanie Pressman has an MA in English from San José State University. Her work
has appeared in Bridges, cæsura, CQ/California State Poetry Quarterly, Montserrat
Review, Red Wolf Editions and other journals. Her long poem Lovebirdman in an
illustrated volume was published in June, 2018.
Hannah J. Shaw received her MFA in writing from Sarah Lawrence College. Her work
has appeared in Palooka Magazine and Red Cedar Review. She currently lives in Queens
with her husband, Jake, where she’s working on a novel inspired by urban legends. Find
her on Twitter @HauntingHJShaw
Samantha Wolfe is a bisexual woman from North Texas. She has previously been
published in L’Ephemere Review and Minute Magazine. She can be found on Twitter
@samwolfewriter. She enjoys writing (of course), making playlists and feeling the sun on
her face.