Frequently Asked Questions
Does CATS provide transportation ?
YES , bus transportation is provided to the CATS campus . For morning classes busses will pick up from a designated bus stop ( see your traditional school for details ) and return students to their traditional school in time for lunch . For afternoon classes , busses will shuttle students to / from their traditional schools , returning in time for students to ride their regular bus home .
Are all classes at CATS 2 blocks ?
Yes , due to the drive time between CATS and the traditional schools , courses are scheduled for 2 blocks each day to allow for ample instruction time .
How are credits issued for CATS classes ?
All CATS classes receive 2 credits on their transcript , as they meet for 2 blocks per day . Honors courses also receive an Extra Quality Point as well .
What is the atmosphere like at CATS ?
All students enrolled in CATS courses are treated as if they are in a higher education course . There are no bells to exchange classes . Career-based uniforms are mandatory . Students are held to a standard of respect , teamwork , attendance , participation , and professionalism , just as if they were walking onto the job .
Do I have to be a junior or senior to attend classes at CATS ?
For the most part , yes . All courses have prerequisites that must be taken at the traditional school prior to attending CATS . Some exceptions may be made based on principal and course instructor input .
Do I have to wear a uniform to CATS ?
Most courses do have a uniform assigned based on the career program . Specific uniform requirements will be discussed in the individual classes .
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