Catholic Outlook Volume 18, August 2015 | Page 28

NATIONAL VOCATIONS AWARENESS WEEK Sunday 2 August – Sunday 9 August 2015 Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma Dominicans celebrate 800 year Jubilee Dominicans around the world are gearing up to celebrate the 800 year Jubilee of the Order. Their story can be traced back to the early 13th Century when their Founder, St Dominic, sought to establish a worldwide Order which would dedicate itself to preaching Veritas – the Truth – at the service of Christ and His Church. On 22 December 1216 Pope Honorius III gave approval to the Order of Friars Preachers. In 2016, Friars, Sisters and Lay members around the world will hold celebrations. As the Order was founded to preach against a heresy which taught that the material world was evil, it is only right the Order will celebrate in various ways which reflect the goodness of its Creator, a goodness which shines through men and women created in the image and likeness of God for truth, love and perpetual happiness! The Province of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be holding events across the territory of its province – Australia, NZ, Solomon Islands and PNG. These events include a Jubilee Mass for the feast of St Dominic on 3 August 2016 celebrated by the Archbishop of Sydney, Most Rev Anthony Fisher OP. A Pilgrimage is also planned to visit Rome, Spain and France in conjunction with World Youth Day 2016 in Poland. A Dominican Family Gathering is planned for the second half of 2016 for all associated with the Dominican Family to discuss where the Dominicans have come from and where we are going in the future. Vocational discernment days will also take place for those who think they may have a calling to the Dominican way of life. For further information please contact Fr Karl Emerick OP, Jubilee Coordinator (karl. [email protected]), or Fr Thomas Azzi OP, Vocations Promoter ([email protected]). “It’s hard to know what to do!” is a common statement of frustration from those discerning their vocation. We may easily forget that God doesn’t hide His will from us. Part of our “Call to Holiness” is to remove the obstacles in our human nature that keep us from recognising what He wants of us. Most of us have fears, inadequacies and frailties, all of which God’s assistance will overcome. Although Adam and Eve first walked calmly with God in the Garden of Eden, after Adam had eaten the forbidden fruit, his first words to God were that he “was afraid”. It’s not surprising, then, that the mostrepeated phrase in the Bible is “do not be afraid”. It’s there more than 300 times! God is with us, even when we may not feel him near. Similar to the experience of having a cuppa with a close friend that changes our outlook for the rest of the day, our encounters with the Lord are meant to give us spiritual effects. One of the ways we encounter the Lord is in the celebration of the sacraments. We are given spiritual strength from those encounters. For example, in Baptism we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the virtues of faith, hope and love. We never lose those gifts and virtues. It depends on us, though, how much we exercise the gifts and virtues, so that they are developed and useful in our life. Confirmation is another encounter with God that spiritually strengthens us to be able to answer that question, “What does the Lord want of me?” The new increment of the gifts of the Holy Spirit that comes in Confirmation helps us to look out on the world with more spiritual attentiveness. The events in our lives and the people placed in our path reveal the path best meant for us. Then, as the Lord said to Joshua when he was given the vocation to lead God’s people after Moses, He says to you “Be strong and courageous!” (Joshua 1:9). Visit Sr Mary Rachel Nerbun, a medical doctor, in our apostolate. Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma Where the Mercy of God Meets the Misery of Mankind A strong prayer and common life allows us to extend the Mercy of God through the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy in professional disciplines that include the fields of education and health care and wherever we can be of service to the Church. “Those who have been given the priceless gift of following the Lord Jesus more closely consider it obvious that he can and must be loved with an undivided heart, that one can devote to him one’s whole life and not merely certain actions or occasional moments or activities.” – Vita Consecrata 104 We invite you to visit us at our convent in Camperdown. (near the University of Sydney) • 02.9557.2398 • • 0447.381.439 •