Sunday 2 August – Sunday 9 August 2015
What shall we say to the Lord for the wonders
He has done for us?
A short reflection from the temporary professed Sisters of St Paul de Chartres who made
their First Vows on 2 February 2015.
All we could say is that our hearts
are filled with awe and immense
joy and gratitude that God had
called and chosen us, and we
have responded by following Him
with faith, love and joyful hope in
the Congregation of the Sisters of
St Paul de Chartres.
Looking back throughout
the early years of formation, we
recognised that our mission is not
ours but God’s. Time went by, we
have come to know before our First
Profession how precious we are in
God’s eyes; that it is only through
experiencing His unconditional
mercy and love can we then be able
to return love for love and have the
strength to say “Fiat” to Him in the
Congregation of the Sisters of St
Paul of Chartres where we live and
serve Him with exclusive love.
Like Mary, we had signed a
blank cheque without knowing
what lies ahead, yet we believe in
His enduring faithfulness that our
lives will be filled with graces and
beyond surprises!
Because of God’s grace, the
constant guidance and support
in countless ways of the Sisters
in Australia and His many
representatives, we were able to
profess our first religious vows
publicly in faith and joy.
We were glad to know that our
commitment had left a special
impact in the hearts of many
attendants and that we had
revised the spirit of love in many
others, too.
Besides, our profession
day occurred in the Year of
Consecrated Life, which helps to
enhance in us the awareness of
deep concern for the Church, a
conviction that our vocation is also
the Church’s treasure and vocation.
Therefore, we pray and are
determined to practise and live
what we had professed to Go [