Catholic Outlook Volume 18, August 2015 | Page 19

Spirits raised at Lifted 2015 youth retreat Lifted 2015 James Camden Parra-Matters! Working Together with our Priests A significant action of the Diocesan Pastoral Plan, Faith in our Future, was for Catholic Youth Parramatta to provide an annual retreat for young adults aged 18-35. Last month, after almost six months of consultation and preparation, we welcomed 64 young adults to the Benedict XVI Retreat Centre in Grose Vale for a weekend of prayer, formation, reflection and community building. Many ministries had shared with us the struggle of booking venues that require a minimum number of participants for catering and accommodation purposes. Lifted 2015 allowed Catholic Youth Parramatta to relieve this financial burden as parishes often had to meet the shortfall when adequate numbers weren’t achieved. The retreat was also an opportunity to pool the time, energy and wisdom of some of our best local facilitators, formators and musicians into one weekend. The theme of the weekend encouraged participants to identify and re-affirm their source of strength in times of need. Presentations were made by Rev Chris De Souza, Delegate of the Diocesan Administrator, Daniel Ang, Director of Evangelisation for the Diocese of Broken Bay, Jesse and Briony Mowbray, long-time youth formators and various other young people who shared about their vocation on an inspiring and robust panel. Prayer and worship was led throughout the weekend by tens of talented volunteers, particularly during a night of Reconciliation and adoration when we were joined by a number of priests on the Saturday evening. Lifted 2016 is scheduled for 1-3 July next year. Last month drew an impressive crowd of 60 youth leaders to hear six priests share their opinions, insights and stories on how best we can work together in our ministries. A highlight was the dialogue that took place as questions, comments and concerns were returned in both directions providing lots for everyone to take away to their local parishes. Ultimately, the evening provided an opportunity to learn of the best youth ministry practices our priests had witnessed, and been a part of, while also allowing them to share honestly on those that hadn’t worked so well. The youth leaders of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Seven Hills, provided wonderful hospitality, music and background information on their local ministry. Year 10 students from Cerdon College, Catherine McAuley Westmead and St Pauls College. ‘Encounter’ Student Leadership Program Commissioning Mass After three high-energy training days, Catholic Youth Parramatta and Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta joined Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, Greystanes, in commissioning a group of Year 10 students from Cerdon College, Catherine McAuley Westmead and St Pauls College, Greystanes. This group took part in a pilot program that invited, challenged and inspired students to grow in their faith, share it with their peers and become leading participants in their school and parish community. Intentionally they had been reconnected from their time as primary school peers at OLQP Primary School and are now being re-engaged or further engaged into parish life through the mentorship of key youth ministry leaders. Live Jesus in our hearts, forever. James Camden – Director Catholic Youth Parramatta [email protected] Participants at Lifted 2015. Encounter Leadership Program. From left: Fathers Peter Strohmayer OSPPE, Wim Hoekstra, Mick O’Callaghan, Jolly Chacko MS, Peter Confeggi and Robert Riedling. Fatima Day: Thursday August 13 Pastoral Care Accredited Qualifications Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady: Saturday August 15 Pastoral Care attends in a sustained way to the emotional and spiritual needs of people through a ministry of presence, companionship and support. Fatima Family Sunday: August 16 August 30: 11am Solemn Mass for Our Lady of Jasna Gora, Anniversary of the Coronation of the Icon of Our Lady of Mercy at Penrose Park. Nationally recognised qualifications: The Main Celebrant for Fatima Day is: Fr Marek Dutkiewicz, osppe, Prior of the Shrine. Homily by Fr Martin Klein FSSP. Note: HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION – devotions to Our Lady following the Solemn Mass at 11am. CHC41112 Certificate IV in Pastoral Care Thank you! The Pauline Fathers and Brothers of Penrose Park would like to thank all our pilgrims for their help and support over the past years. The first section of the building project (i.e. the toilet blocks) is well underway, the work will continue in the next couple of months. We thank you for your continuing financial help and prayers to continue the building of our Pilgrim Hall, the cost of which is very substantial. May God abundantly bless you all! 91561 NSW Diploma of Ageing and Pastoral Care For further information contact: Holy Family Services Registered Training Organisation Tel (02) 9678 8200 email: [email protected] Pauline Father’s Monastery Address: 120 Hanging Rock Road, Berrima, NSW, 2577 91448NSW Phone: 02 4878-9192 Fax: 02 4878-9351 Email: [email protected] 19