CatholicOutlook August 2015
Change to the Marriage Act ‘not a done deal’
A historic day for Sr Ailsa Mackinnon RSM and members of the
OLMC Parramatta school community.
Soil turned for Ailsa Mackinnon Centre
Monday 22 June was a landmark
day for the school community
of Our Lady of Mercy College
Parramatta with the official
'Turning of the Soil' for the new
Ailsa Mackinnon Centre.
To mark the commencement
of construction, Sr Ailsa
Mackinnon RSM and other
Sisters of Mercy joined the
College Principal, Stephen
Walsh, former principal Kitty
Guerin, the College Board, past
Executive members and College
staff for the special ceremony.
A blessing was given by
Fr Walter Fogarty, Parish Priest of
Sacred Heart Parish, Westmead.
“As we turn the soil for
the foundations of the Alisa
Mackinnon Centre, we recall the
past generations who have walked
and cared for this land.
“May the spirit of Catherine
McAuley, a woman of enterprise
and innovation, guide the
construction of this building.”
Sr Ailsa said that during her
time as Principal of OLMC, her
role was to create a climate that
would assist the students to reach
their potential.
“OLMC has always strived to
give students, no matter their
academic ability, the chance to
receive a holistic education in a
caring merciful environment,”
she said.
“I saw that my legacy was
to enable staff, students and
parents to work together to
achieve this aim.
“I had no thought that my
name would ever be on a
building. That idea never entered
my head.
“I am pleased, though, that
the building will contain a large
assembly area. I used to ask the
girls what they liked best about
the school. Invariably they would
reply – going to assembly.
“And the reason was it gave
the school an opportunity to