Alexander Gebert : We pray for those who are suffering . We ask that you ease their pain and encourage others to provide compassion and support to them during their hardships . We pray too for a society that is more just and kind , a society that values the lives of everyone equally and that honours the dignity of all . May we follow in the steps of Cate and show love and kindness to all that cross our paths . Lord Hear Us All : Lord , hear our prayer .
Margaret O ’ Meara : Lord , we pray for all who have cared for our sister , Catherine . May you guide and strengthen all those in the medical and caring professions as they show compassion and concern for all the people in their care . We pray too for the community of East Ivanhoe Primary School , may they continue to show love and support to Gavin , Hugo and Vincent . Lord Hear Us All : Lord , hear our prayer .
Patricia Stewart :
We pray for Gavin , Hugo and Vincent and all their family and friends as they surround them in their love and care . We know that Catherine ’ s spirit will be with them always and we pray that they embrace life and make the most of every opportunity that comes their way . Bless them with your grace and peace . Lord Hear Us
All : Lord , hear our prayer .