CATESOL Newsletter Fall 2013 | Page 26

A Critique: Teaching Strategies Continued from page 25 a less linguistically demanding way. This Pearson Education text, Strategies for Teaching English Learners (3rd ed.) by Lynne T. Díaz-Rico, is a helpful tool for teachers and teacher educators who will find it useful and informational. The information included in the text will guide teachers in their quest to set up a system of learning whereby the student is the focus of the learning opportunities, and the teacher is the guide who learns alongside the students. The suggested activities allow teachers to develop a relationship with their students; teachers are able to show they care for their students and believe that they are capable of rigorous learning. The attitudes and expectations expressed in the lessons are positive and realistic. The lessons that are developed from the suggestions Díaz-Rico makes incorporate the cultures of the students, thus they are authentic and motivational. The text is a must-read. It took time to read the complete text, but the time was well spent. New ideas were cultivated and previous concepts on SLA were given a new perspective. Díaz-Rico has produced an extremely informative and useful text. She and Pearson Education deserve kudos for their efforts to help the field of English language development. Dan Fichtner, PhD, is president of the CATESOL Education Foundation. CATESOL Education Foundation accepts donations of cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles, and CATESOL Education Foundation recreational of cars, trucks, accepts donations vehicles boats, motorcycles, and through recreational vehicles through 1-800-766-CARE 1-800-766-2273 1-800-766-CARE 1-800-766-2273 26 • CATESOL NEWS • FALL 2013 2012-2013 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Nina Ito [email protected] Past President Margaret Teske [email protected] President-Elect Ellen Lange [email protected] Secretary Sydney Rice [email protected] Treasurer Tim Chavez [email protected] General Manager Don Sillings [email protected] Elementary Level Chair Sheila Martinelli [email protected] Secondary Level Chair Jeff Mattison [email protected] Adult Level Chair Jayme Adelson-Goldstein [email protected] Community College Level Chair Pat Boquiren [email protected] College/University Level Chair Rob Filback [email protected] Intensive English Programs Level Chair Sonja Lovelace [email protected] Nevada Representative Amy Litman [email protected] Chapter Council Chair Tommie Martinez [email protected] Interest Group Facilitator Branka Marceta [email protected] 2012-2013 CHAPTER COUNCIL Bay Area Chapter Coordinator Anthony Burik [email protected] Capital Area Chapter Coordinator James Strode [email protected] Inland Empire Chapter Coordinator Fiona Memmott [email protected] Los Padres Chapter Coordinator Hilary Tomczik [email protected] Northern Nevada Chapter Coordinator Julie Balderson [email protected] Orange County Chapter Coordinator Regina Massich [email protected] San Diego Chapter Coordinator Erika Marie Rose [email protected] Saroyan Chapter Coordinator Sam Nofziger [email protected] Southern Nevada Chapter Coordinator TBA Steinbeck Chapter Coordinator Ondine Gage [email protected] Yosemite Chapter Coordinator Lisa Simao [email protected] Student Representative Gina Lubke [email protected] INTEREST GROUPS Intercultural Communications Coordinator Laura Jacob [email protected] Carlos Diaz [email protected] Nonnative Language Educators’ Issues Coordinator Stefan Frazier [email protected] Part-Time Educators’ Interest Group Coordinator Barbara Luther [email protected] Teaching English in the Workplace Coordinator Danielle Pelletier [email protected] Teaching of Pronunciation Coordinator Robert Wachman [email protected] Technology Enhanced Language Learning Coordinator Cindy Wislofsky [email protected] PUBLICATIONS The CATESOL Journal Editors Mark Roberge, Margi Wald [email protected] CATESOL News Editor Karen Bleske [email protected] General Editorial Information Mark Roberge [email protected] Advertising Kevin Van Houten [email protected] CONFERENCES For information about CATESOL Annual Conference: Gary Sosa, Colleen Bixler [email protected] For information about advertising in official CATESOL publications (including conference publications): Kevin Van Houten [email protected] For information about exhibiting at CATESOL Annual Conferences: Monica Snow CATESOL State Exhibits Coordinator [email protected]