Partnership is what holds any business somehow, despite increasing the volume of our
together. From the founding partners of your production by significant multiples, our attention
business, to investors, to employees, vendors, to the details – to our partners – has allowed us
and customers. In a very real way we are all to also increase our already amazing delivery
partners in this endeavor. And without the basic rate.
principles of partnership - hard work, trust, and In 2017, CATCH Fly Fishing delivered an
accountability – none of it works. average of over 90% of all flies ordered by our
customers. That is unheard of in the history of
We want to continue to be the partner that commercial fly tying. Many of our customers
makes your job easy. We want to show up on saw 100% fill rates on their preseason and fill
time, work hard and deliver what is expected. orders this year.
We will be there when you need us, but also stay
out of your way. In order to do that, we continue It is our commitment to that level of service that
to build relationships with our core partners, will continue to drive us. Sure, we will miss out
too. CATCH designers are recognizably some on some opportunities. But we will pass on a
of the very best in the world. Our tiers are chance to make a little more money if we believe
second to none when it comes to consistency it will compromise our ability to service our
and quality. Our ownership remains steadfast existing partners to the highest degree possible.
in our commitment to be available to all of our So whether you need a custom pattern tied, an
customers for any reason. emergency fill order, or someone to toss you
a cold one next time you roll through Billings,
2017 was another banner year for CATCH Fly CATCH Fly Fishing will continue to be here for
Fishing. I know I say that every year, but hear you. Partner.
me out. CATCH continued with a 6th straight
year of linear market growth trajectory. But
-Eric BeeBe, Owner & Chief Fly Designer