Catalyst Magazine Volume 1 | Page 6

Hi There Battle Babes!

When I was asked to write this, honestly, I panicked.

I’m not a writer.

I haven't even considered myself a deep thinker.

I’m a listener and an optimist--both of which have served me very well.

Like most people, I've had ups and downs in life. I've been blessed with a wonderful husband of 36 years and 2 lovely daughters. I’ve lived a pretty normal life. Bought a house, had a family. Both of us worked so we felt like we were pretty average.

And then a month before my husband's 50th birthday, he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. This was probably the most terrifying thing I've ever heard in my life. We left the doctor's office not knowing if he was going to live or die or even what his chances were.

Finally, I pulled the doctor aside and asked him, what are his chances of survival? And the routine answer is 50/50—which at least gave us a little more hope. My husband underwent a couple of minor surgeries only to find out that the cancer that was found was not the primary cancer. That was even more terrifying.

Where did it originate from? Through some biopsies of tissue from his mouth they discovered that the primary cancer was in his tonsil. So, his tonsils were removed.

Everyone said that would be a horrible surgery at his age, but he breezed through it.

Then came the treatment plan: chemo and radiation concurrently. We thought well he did so well during the surgeries this won't be a big deal either, but we were very wrong. The treatment was brutal. He lost 50 pounds in 5 weeks. I had to take him in regularly for fluids because he would not eat or drink. The chemotherapy seemed it to affect his mind. He was not rational. He was angry and cranky.

Our youngest daughter was 12 at the time, and I did my best to keep life normal. She still had friends visit, but he was so cranky that it scared them. We went through that for several months. I'm happy to say that he made it through and has been cancer-free 9 years.

Almost exactly 5 years later, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Of course, anytime you are diagnosed with cancer there is instant fear.

Fortunately, mine was caught very early (stage 1) through a mammogram. I don't think I ever had doubt about surviving. Honestly, I really didn't give it any thought. I just had a disease and had to deal with it. Kind of like having chicken pox. You get them. You get over them, and it is over. So, I was ready to do what I had to do and be done with it.

I thought that I might be able to skip the chemo and radiation. Honestly the treatment is more terrifying than the disease. I underwent a lumpectomy, had my Sentinel node removed and found out the cancer had not spread. I was so relieved! I thought hallelujah I'm not going to have to do chemo or radiation!

Well, I was wrong. Since my cancer was aggressive, my doctors felt I needed to go ahead with chemo and radiation. That was what scared me most. I saw what my husband went through. I am not a tough individual and was terrified.

A friend of mine had introduced me to a product couple of months back that I wasn't really interested in, but now, I knew that I had to have that product in my body. I knew the war that was coming, and I knew my body needed be strong.

So, I started on the product and started my treatments. Fortunately, I did not have any of the problems my husband had. I was able to continue running my business. I was never sick, I never lost my color or my appetite. I did not have the brain fog associated with chemo. I was able to attend my daughter's swim meets and even went out with my friends a few times.

At one point, I even asked my doctor if I was receiving a lower dose because I was doing so well. Everyone else that I had ever met with breast cancer, had their treatments every 3 weeks. Mine where every other week. So, I just assumed I was getting a lower dose more often, but I was not. They were treating me very aggressively. I was just able to handle it. Even my doctors were very impressed, but I never mentioned what I was doing on the side because I knew they would not approve.

I knew I was going to keep using this product regardless of what they said. So, I made the decision to keep it to myself. Honestly, I think that your mindset is more important than any medication you could be given. This is why I always keep a positive outlook.

I knew once I finished the treatment, I would be done.

I’m happy to report that I just celebrated my 4-year cancer free mark, but cancer is not something I think about often--I just don't worry about it, but it did give me an outlook on life that I didn’t have before.

Now, I choose to have more fun in life.

I believe that through this disease I have found my calling in life: helping others heal their bodies, whether they have a disease or just want to prevent illness.

So, all-in-all, I think cancer was a blessing. I've made a lot of amazing friends, and found a new career.

Every day I say to myself: everything always works out for me!

And it always does!

With Happiness & Hope,

Debi Trahin