Catalyst Issue 9 | Page 37

Recent employment data from the US , Europe and the UK demonstrates a trend of older workers being significantly more vulnerable to layoffs compared to colleagues aged 29-45 , as well as them facing greater difficulty getting rehired at previous wages when displaced .
Earlier this year , in partnership with charity Winning Hearts and Minds , we undertook research with 257 employees or recently unemployed workers aged 55-plus to understand their attitudes to employment , work and careers .
Older workers want flexibility : Some 40 % of our respondents said their main concern was lack of leisure time . Offering some role flexibility , such as a reduction to four days a week , can help retention of older workers .
Career development opportunities : Two-thirds of our respondents ( 66 %) said they would reskill with their current employer and 34 % said they were keen for different challenges in their existing role .
Reskill in a new area or industry : Some 85 % of respondents felt they had transferable skills to take to a new role or sector and 49 % of over 55s were interested in reskilling and changing role / industry with a new employer .
This research highlights the need to address the challenge of maximising the value of older workers . With ageing populations , we must learn to adapt from a youth-based employment culture and harness the power of employees regardless of age .
By 2050 , the under-55 working-age population will have shrunk by around 20 % across all Western countries , creating a serious shortfall in the workforce ; over 60s in this same timeframe will grow by 40 %. Across industries and geographies , the most successful businesses of the future will place a strong focus on an inclusive talent approach and there are some simple steps to tackle the ageism barriers for good .

Catalyst AMS News


Maximising the value older of workers

The number of older workers is on the rise . With a third of the current global workforce over the age of 50 , how prevalent is age-related bias in the workplace and how can employers overcome it ?

Recent employment data from the US , Europe and the UK demonstrates a trend of older workers being significantly more vulnerable to layoffs compared to colleagues aged 29-45 , as well as them facing greater difficulty getting rehired at previous wages when displaced .

Earlier this year , in partnership with charity Winning Hearts and Minds , we undertook research with 257 employees or recently unemployed workers aged 55-plus to understand their attitudes to employment , work and careers .

The research showed that :



felt their work status changed as they reached 55



feel the jobs market is closed to them at 55-plus



want to continue working beyond age 66



feel forced to retire before they want to



have lost interest in their job due to lack of development opportunities

Older workers want flexibility : Some 40 % of our respondents said their main concern was lack of leisure time . Offering some role flexibility , such as a reduction to four days a week , can help retention of older workers .
Career development opportunities : Two-thirds of our respondents ( 66 %) said they would reskill with their current employer and 34 % said they were keen for different challenges in their existing role .
Reskill in a new area or industry : Some 85 % of respondents felt they had transferable skills to take to a new role or sector and 49 % of over 55s were interested in reskilling and changing role / industry with a new employer .

Promoting age inclusion

This research highlights the need to address the challenge of maximising the value of older workers . With ageing populations , we must learn to adapt from a youth-based employment culture and harness the power of employees regardless of age .
By 2050 , the under-55 working-age population will have shrunk by around 20 % across all Western countries , creating a serious shortfall in the workforce ; over 60s in this same timeframe will grow by 40 %. Across industries and geographies , the most successful businesses of the future will place a strong focus on an inclusive talent approach and there are some simple steps to tackle the ageism barriers for good .

Lyndsey Simpson , Founder , 55 / Redefined . 55 / Redefined is a new membership platform for over-55s comprising a job board and work-related support , financial and legal solutions and luxury lifestyle brand inspiration . For employers , we offer targeted recruitment of over-55s to move role , return back to the workplace from retirement or reskill for a new role . We combine this with training , age-awareness accreditation , assessment solutions and unconscious age bias training . www . 55redefined . com