Catalyst Issue 8 | Page 5

AMS has always had ambition woven into its DNA . Back in 1996 , we were founded by Rosaleen Blair CBE with the aim of revolutionising how organisations acquire talent . We pioneered the concept of recruitment process outsourcing to bring efficiency and effectiveness to the talent industry alongside organisational success and growth for AMS .
Fast forward 25 years and the working world seems almost unrecognisable . We ’ ve seen huge shifts in how talent is acquired , managed and developed . The once resilient norms of 9-5 working lives and lifelong careers have gone , replaced by flexible , digitally enabled workforces that have very different expectations and needs and are deployed in very different ways .
As a business , AMS has also changed beyond recognition . From our roots in the UK market , we ’ ve become a global player , solving talent challenges with a greater range of solutions than could ever have been imagined at the start .
The time seems right , then , to build on our heritage and legacy – of which we are rightly immensely proud – to evolve a new brand that matches our ambition for the decades to come .
Reviewing and refreshing a well-established brand can never be taken lightly . We spent many hours talking with our stakeholders – staff , clients , suppliers , industry influencers – to conduct a root and branch review of our business , where we stand in the market , how we add value and how we should move forward .
Above all , we needed to future-proof to allow for new growth , to continue to be at the cutting edge of thinking about talent . We wanted to drive new conversations about workforce dexterity that have only become more urgent as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic . We want to support and challenge our clients to create and develop fit-for-thefuture workforces that align with the pillars we have defined as key to workforce dexterity : fluidity , resilience , diversity and differentiation .
Our new brand strategy is about so much more than just a simplified name – many of our clients have always referred to us as AMS anyway . We ’ ve not underestimated the importance of a vibrant and distinctive visual identity . In many ways , this new identity says a great deal about the organisation we are and want to be : digitally-driven , global , passionate , data-driven and , above all , about putting people at the core of everything we do . Driven by a generative motion algorithm , our new hero visuals are tech-driven and shape shifting , mirroring the energy , fluidity and agility in the workforce we ’ ll all need for the talent challenges that lie ahead .
We believe that to thrive , build for the future and take advantage of new opportunities requires a new approach to talent , a new approach we are proud to pioneer and partner with the most innovative and ambitious of clients to achieve . # weareAMS
Marisa Kacary Managing Director – Brand , Marketing & Communications , AMS

Catalyst AMS Viewpoint


A new magazine for a new era

Eagle-eyed readers will have noticed that this edition of Catalyst magazine looks and feels a bit different . There ’ s a good reason for that : it ’ s the first public outing for AMS ’ s new visual identity and brand strategy . Marisa Kacary , Managing Director – Brand , Marketing & Communications , explains why the time is right not just to refresh how AMS looks , but also to restate its values and identity to meet a new generation of talent challenges and opportunities .

AMS has always had ambition woven into its DNA . Back in 1996 , we were founded by Rosaleen Blair CBE with the aim of revolutionising how organisations acquire talent . We pioneered the concept of recruitment process outsourcing to bring efficiency and effectiveness to the talent industry alongside organisational success and growth for AMS .
Fast forward 25 years and the working world seems almost unrecognisable . We ’ ve seen huge shifts in how talent is acquired , managed and developed . The once resilient norms of 9-5 working lives and lifelong careers have gone , replaced by flexible , digitally enabled workforces that have very different expectations and needs and are deployed in very different ways .
As a business , AMS has also changed beyond recognition . From our roots in the UK market , we ’ ve become a global player , solving talent challenges with a greater range of solutions than could ever have been imagined at the start .

We ’ ll all need energy , fluidity and agility in the workforce to face the talent challenges that lie ahead

The time seems right , then , to build on our heritage and legacy – of which we are rightly immensely proud – to evolve a new brand that matches our ambition for the decades to come .
Reviewing and refreshing a well-established brand can never be taken lightly . We spent many hours talking with our stakeholders – staff , clients , suppliers , industry influencers – to conduct a root and branch review of our business , where we stand in the market , how we add value and how we should move forward .
Above all , we needed to future-proof to allow for new growth , to continue to be at the cutting edge of thinking about talent . We wanted to drive new conversations about workforce dexterity that have only become more urgent as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic . We want to support and challenge our clients to create and develop fit-for-thefuture workforces that align with the pillars we have defined as key to workforce dexterity : fluidity , resilience , diversity and differentiation .
Our new brand strategy is about so much more than just a simplified name – many of our clients have always referred to us as AMS anyway . We ’ ve not underestimated the importance of a vibrant and distinctive visual identity . In many ways , this new identity says a great deal about the organisation we are and want to be : digitally-driven , global , passionate , data-driven and , above all , about putting people at the core of everything we do . Driven by a generative motion algorithm , our new hero visuals are tech-driven and shape shifting , mirroring the energy , fluidity and agility in the workforce we ’ ll all need for the talent challenges that lie ahead .
We believe that to thrive , build for the future and take advantage of new opportunities requires a new approach to talent , a new approach we are proud to pioneer and partner with the most innovative and ambitious of clients to achieve . # weareAMS
Marisa Kacary Managing Director – Brand , Marketing & Communications , AMS