Making your workforce fit
for the future
n a global marketplace, where competition for talent is fierce and vital tech skills
scarce, leaders will need to adopt new approaches to sourcing and developing
talent, while broadening the candidate pools they tap into.
Instilling dexterity into the workforce and true diversity into hiring is part of this
process (p26 and p58). Where companies assess candidates for cognitive ability
(rather than academic achievements and experience), and expand their definitions
of diversity (for example, to include older or neurodiverse people; even those with
different personality types) they are supporting inclusion and social mobility, while
attracting previously overlooked talent.
Meanwhile, hiring for general characteristics and a desire to learn (as opposed
to a particular role) gives organisations the chance to bring in people with
transferable skills, to place them where they are most beneficial and to move them
around the organisation. Fluidity in the workforce enables people to progress,
boosting engagement.
Some businesses are replacing a focus on ‘high potentials’ with a wider emphasis
on harnessing the powers of the majority (p52). Many are also embracing the
explosion in non-traditional ways of working (which support scalability) through
thoughtful management of their contingent workforce, using technology to help
enhance connectivity and engagement (p34).
Ultimately, we are moving towards a future where organisations have
full visibility of their entire talent network and consider their workforce from an
holistic perspective.
Of course, adopting new approaches comes with challenges as well as opportunities,
and in this issue of Catalyst, we explore the issues around sourcing, engaging and
retaining diverse talent, providing examples of pioneering organisations from
around the globe. Best practice is evolving, and we can all learn lessons from different
geographies, sectors and types of organisations in how to break down barriers,
future-proof pipelines and get the most out of our people.
We hope you enjoy the issue and look forward to your feedback.
Marisa Kacary
Global Director, Brand, Marketing & Communications,
Alexander Mann Solutions
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Issue 4 - 2020