Catalyst | Digital
Reviewing the process and technology
underpinning candidate experience seems
daunting. An over-engineered process might
impede candidate experience. A candidate may
prefer a speedy chatbot response to the location
of their final interview, but they’ll want to
speak to an informed expert for conversations
around compensation.
A successful strategy will typically be
Insight-led sourcing
driven by speed, efficiency and a tailored user
Insight-led sourcing is a market
experience. Cost will figure in the equation
differentiator and underpins our approach
but, as with the best consumer applications,
to sourcing. Employers increasingly prioritise
should be underpinned by common sense.
the availability and cost of skills and talent. With
Too often in sourcing, the focus begins with
this shift in focus from hiring managers, and the
an unrealistic desire to generate a continuous
growing demand for scarce digital skills such as data
flow of candidates into the top of the funnel.
scientists, the median time to fill has also shifted
The reality of most niche hiring is that a
(according to Gartner Research) by more than 10
single candidate is required. To quote author
days in the past two years.
Covey, we should “begin with the end
Insight-led sourcing facilitates a move away from
Hayden Hughes Stephen
in mind”.
the hiring manager frustrations associated with
global head of
A successful sourcing function will use
traditional requisition-led recruitment. The use of
sourcing, attraction,
insight to identify target candidates and
actionable intelligence to assist the business with
investment banking,
employers, along with diverse and engaged
decision making repositions the recruiter as trusted
Alexander Mann
candidates taken from talent pools. The ability
adviser. The transactional, administrative process
to then stack-rank active candidate CVs and
is replaced with informed and strategic decision
systemically remove unconscious bias in the
making and an actionable plan. The sourcing
process can only be a good thing.
function is now acting as informed ‘hunter’
The role of a future-state sourcing
of talent.
function is to provide the hiring manager
Big data, candidate aggregators and other tools
with choices alongside an informed and
enable us to identify talent pools. AI enables that
engaging candidate experience. By
process with the ‘cloning’ of relevant CVs
coupling the best that AI, robotic
and skills; we’re able to both broaden the
process automation and chatbots
pool of talent and get to it faster.
can offer with human engagement
For all the net positives of an insight-
at the critical moments that matter,
led approach to sourcing, the richness
“The human
AI and sourcers are working
and availability of data is staggering –
lens and overlay is
as a team and giving employers
and herein lies the greatest challenge.
prime-mover advantage.
Tools and technology allow us to capture
essential if the data
large data sets, but the human lens and
is to be brought
Candidate engagement
overlay is essential if the data is to be
and headhunting
brought to life.
to life”
The use of tools and technology
The trained insight specialist’s ability
facilitates a smarter, more informed
to extract meaningful data through
approach to the identification and
quality analysis, and to tell a story that
initial engagement of talent, but
can influence decision making, is a
currently, that’s where technology’s capability
vital skill set.
ends. That’s ok.
Engaging passive talent in a compelling
Effective funnel management
fashion is a uniquely human skill. We know a
Much has been written about the importance of
skilful headhunt call when we hear it. While
developing a strong employer value proposition to
it’s easy to imagine AI informing us of the
catch candidates’ attention. Candidate engagement
best language to use and the optimum time
has become increasingly social, mobile and
to make an approach, it’s hard to imagine AI
interactive. This evolution is set to continue apace
using the requisite subtlety, passion and
over the next five years, with growing expectations
nuance. Ultimately, it’s still all about
of consumer-grade candidate experiences (think
the people.
Amazon for ease and Burberry for interactivity).
and engage, those ‘needles’ takes a single-minded
focus and attention to detail.
There are at least three critical ‘moments that
matter’ in the candidate journey; important points
where the philosophy of intelligence augmentation
and effective use of technology with a human face
provides a competitive advantage.
Issue 4 - 2020